Summer has officially started and so have the summer outreaches in the cities of Youngstown and Campbell, Ohio. My days of singing on the streets started back with Bob Noble and The Lost Then Found travelling the east coast doing outreach concerts. I have been working locally with Pastor Cruz and The Jericho Project for a long time locally and look forward to these events. Regardless of what people may think we all need something to believe in. People still need to know that they can work toward peace, unity, and brotherly love. The past few years the city officials have even teamed up with us to help reduce crime in the city by having theses family friendly events. Working together as a team is not easy but it is necessary. We cherish the relationships that have been built out of need and desire to serve. Jericho, Mahoning Valley Teen Challenge, Now Youngstown, C.I.R.V., local churches, and social service agencies, "THANK YOU" for all you do to make these outreaches happen.

Below is the 2016 SUMMER SCHEDULE. If you would like to help, just show up and talk with anyone who has a "NOW YOUNGSTOWN" tee shirt on. Donations are always welcome :-)
